In order to sign up, simply go to https://www.sinch.com and select sign up or click this Link link.
Once you fill out the form and click on the “SIGN UP” button, you will be asked to verify your email address, and you will receive an email to confirm that.
Next, you will be required to verify your phone number, add . Add your number and you will be sent a verification code. Verify your number.
Select your role and that will conclude the sign-up process.
Service Plan ID
Once the sign-up process is over, you can select the “SMS” button from the home page.
Copy the default value provided in the “Service Plan ID” Id” field and paste it into the (SMS Shipper Account ID) Service Plan ID field on the Contract Signatures (SMS Shipper Config) page.
Learn more here:
API Token
In order to get your authorization token, you can simply copy the code block and paste it into a notepad.
The “Bearer” value is your authorization API token, copy . Copy this value and paste it into the (Authorization API Token ) field on the Contract Signatures (SMS Shipper Config) page.
Sender number
For test purposes you as showcased here, you can simply copy this value from the “From” field and paste it into the Sender number Sinch Virtual Number in the E.164 format
field on the Contract Signatures (SMS Shipper Config) page.