In order to sign up, simply go to https://www.twilio.com and select sign up or click this Link link.
Fill out the form and click on the “Start your free trial” button, you . You will be asked to verify your email address, and you will receive an email to confirm that.
Once your email address is verified, you will be asked to verify your phone number.
Verify your phone number, next . Next you will be asked to fill in some additional information for a personalized experience by Twilio.
Filled Fill out and the form and click on the “Get Started with Twilio” Button; you button. You will land on your console page , and you will notice Twilio has granted you a trial credit. We can use this to test the product.
From the console view, you can find your Account SID under the “Account info” Info” section.
Copy this value and paste it into the Account SID field on the Contract Signatures (SMS Shipper Config) page.
Learn more here:
Authorization Token
Right below your Account SID, you can find the “Auth Token” value.
Copy this value and paste it into the ( Authorization Token ) field on the Contract Signatures (SMS Shipper Config) page.
Using the available trial credits, you can purchase a number to test this service; from . From the console view simply click on the “Phone Numbers” toggle list from the sidebar menu and then select “Manage”, next . Next click on “Active numbers”.
A pop-up will appear and you can review your purchase details, you . You will be asked to acknowledge being charged immediately for the cost of the number and asked to agree with Twilio Twilio’s terms of servicesand conditions.
You can purchase the number by clicking on the “Buy +x xxx xxx xxxx” button below the form.
If you wish to further configure your number you can now click on the “ Configure “Configure +x xxx xxx xxxx” button.
In this case, however, we close the tab as no further configurations are required for the 2FA functionality on the Contract Signatures app.
You can now navigate to your active numbers from console view, copy . Copy the number and paste it into the Twilio Phone Number in the E.164 format
field on the Contract Signatures (SMS Shipper Config) page.