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check ESFJ e-mail notification how it works
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Share (invite) email 옴 case of security - only proved users 에 메일 적을 경우
Verification mail sent
In the context of External Share, “Email communication” refers to the outgoing emails (for example: invite to share).
What is email communication?
In the context of External Share, “Email communication” refers to the outgoing emails, that is the (invite to share). When external link is created, invitation email will be sent to a external user
InviteThis is the first outgoing email when a contract is created.This email will include a link to theissuewhere signers will view the document.
SignIf the document is signed, a second outgoing email is sent, notifying users that the contract is signed.
RejectIf the signers reject the contract, an email is sent, notifying users that the contract was rejected.
One-time password (OTP)This email is sent to signers when they opt to sign the contract.This email will include a one-time password for security measures.
Email customization
You can customize all of the outgoing emails independently, here is what you can customize:
Sender Email (communication)Email SubjectEmail contentBye name
Sender email customization
You can customize the sender as well as the email service used to communicate, in order to achieve this, you will need an email service with SMTP support.
For example:
OVHAmazon (AWS - Simple email service)Google (Gmail)Microsoft (Outlook)Fastmail
Customize outgoing email communication
Click on the “Apps” dropdown menu and select External Share for Jira
Navigate to Global Setting → Custom Email tab
From ‘carrier’, select SMTP with STARTTLS option
Provide your SMTP details
Click on the “Save” button
Once the SMTP configuration is done, you can now select the sender's email address.
Check the “Customize sender email” optionEnter the email address associated with your SMTPClick on the “Update” button
Email Subject
You can customize the email subject of any outgoing email category (Invite, Sign, Reject, and OTP).
Make sure the custom subjects are true for any outgoing email of the selected category.
If you wish to create more flexibility with the email subjects, you can benefit from dynamic elements such as the following:
${createdByName} - The user that created the contract
${senderEmail} - The custom email address
${documentName} - Name of the document
These elements will dynamically call for the value true to the specific document.
In order to customize the email subject field,
Scroll down to the Customization page
Reach the “Message Templates” section
There are 2 subsections here
Customize 'bye name'
Customize email
Customize ‘bye name’
The “bye name” section will globally affect all emails using the custom template (unless altered), by default this value is set to “Contract Signatures”, you can change this to your team name or the name of your company representative for example.
Check the “Customize 'bye name'“ option
Add the value to the “bye name” field
Click on the “Update” button
Customize email
You can customize all 3 main parts of the email (From, Subject, Body).
This will display the sender, when a customized sender email is selected, it will automatically include the custom sender email value.
You can select your own email subject, you can make use of dynamic properties to make it more flexible.
You can edit the body content and structure, there are 2 templates for each email category, HTML and text.
When the “bye name” value is customized, it will automatically affect the dynamic property of ${byeName}.
Please ensure you update any changes done on the body, From and Subject fields independently, Updating (for example “Invite email” does not affect the Sign, Reject and OTP emails.