All Confluence group members will be participants of the current step.

Action types:

Additional configuration:

Approval / Consent action

One or more members of the selected Confluence group can vote to approve or reject. When the step is activated, then all group members will receive a notification with a ‘call for action’. On page view, the user will see accept and reject button. The decision cannot be changed. The only way to undo the decision is to ‘reset’ the ongoing approval path and start a new one. Every Confluence page participant can start or reset the approval process.

Notification action

All group members will be notified about current progress. They might be interested in knowing progress or result, but those people have no involvement in decision making. Possible use cases:

  1. Used at the beginning of the approval process to notify team members about the new project proposal.

  2. Used as the last step in the approval process to notify the Confluence administrators about needed changes in Confluence options.