Explore our guides and use examples of the Approval Path for Confluence

Approval Path for Confluence

by Warsaw Dynamics
for Confluence Cloud

(blue star)(blue star)(blue star)(blue star) (blue star) Cloud Security Participant

Supported Confluence Cloud

What is the Approval Path for Confluence?

Approval Path for Confluence is an app for Confluence Cloud. It is available on Atlassian Marketplace. It allows you to define and execute processes to approve your documents. You start with creating an approval definition. Approval definition is a container for steps. There are different types of those steps. You can read about the steps on a dedicated page.

The following features should be highlighted:

  • Centralized & Clear Status Insights - Get an instant overview of your approval process, with a content byline of which stage the approval is in, directly within a Confluence page.

  • Approval Definitions - Re-use existing definitions. Users can browse existing definitions and start one of them.

  • Notifications at the right time - Everyone involved in the current approval step gets a call-for-action notification.

How to install the Approval Path for Confluence?

  1. Visit our Atlassian marketplace listing

  2. Press the “Try it free“ button (30-day free trial)

  3. Optionally. If you have access to more than 1 Confluence instance, you may need to select a site to install an app




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