Example restrictions

Example restrictions



You can allow share access only for users with specific email addresses or any email address with a specific domain.

It can be done on two levels: global spaces configuration and space configuration.



On the global spaces configuration level define access for email addresses with the chosen domain. When creating a link, only e-mail addresses with this domain are allowed in the Selected Users tab:

  1. Set the “mycompany.com ” domain in the global spaces configuration:

  2. Leave space configuration empty:

  3. While creating a link, only email addresses with the “mycompany.com” domain are allowed:


On the global spaces configuration level define access for email addresses with the chosen domain. On the space configuration level, only emails with this domain are allowed. Limit access to a single email address with the allowed domain. When creating a link, only that email address is allowed in the Selected Users tab:

  1. Set the “mycompany.com” domain in the global spaces configuration:

  2. Set “john@mycompany.com” email address in space configuration:

  3. While creating a link, only the “john@mycompany.com” email address is allowed:


On the global spaces configuration level define access for email addresses with the chosen domain and a single email address with a different domain. When creating a link, any email with chosen domain and a single email with a different domain are allowed:

  1. Set the “mycompany.com” domain and “rick@gmail.com” email in the global spaces configuration:

  2. Leave the space configuration empty:

  3. While creating a link, “rick@gmail.com” email address and any email address with the “mycompany.com ” domain are allowed:


On the global spaces configuration level define access for email addresses with the chosen domain and a single email address with a different domain. On the space configuration level, only emails with this domain and a single email address with a different domain can be chosen. Define access for a single email with a domain allowed by parent configuration and that single email address with a different domain. When creating a link, only these two email addresses are allowed:

  1. Set the “mycompany.com” domain and “rick@gmail.com” email in the global spaces configuration:

  2. Set “john@mycompany.com” and “rick@gmail.com” emails in space configuration:

  3. While creating a link, only “john@mycompany.com” and “rick@gmail.com” emails are allowed.