Edit issue by External User

On External Share for Jira shared links external users can modify issue content:

  • add comments,

  • add attachments,

  • change the status.


But what if you would like to give external users the option to modify some other issue fields for example priority?

You can do that by creating a dedicated Automation for Jira rule on your project settings page


First, add the ‘Issue commented’ trigger and as comment type select 'Comment is the main action'.


Next, add component ‘New condition’ -> ‘Advanced compare condition' to verify that the comment was added by the External Share for the Jira user.


  • First value: ‘{{comment.author.accountId}}’

  • condition ‘equals’

  • Second value '5caf360937b1dc049479af84’


In this example, we will change Issue priority to High by adding a comment body that will trigger this action. You can use for example priority=high comment body text.

Add add a new component ‘New condition’ -> ‘Advanced compare condition'.


  • First value: ‘{{comment.body}}’

  • condition ‘contains’

  • Second value 'priority=high’


Next, add a ‘New action’ -> ‘Edit Issue', choose the 'Priority’ field and select its value to High.


You can also add an action that will remove comments added to trigger priority change.

To do that choose ‘Delete comment' and set:

  • Comment id ‘{{triggerissue.comment.last.id}}’


That’s all, now comment with content ‘priority=high’ added on the shared page will change issue priority to high. To see changes on the shared page you need to reload it.


If you also want to allow an external user to change the priority to other values, you need to add separate automation rules to that.