Project View
- 1.1 Approvals
- 1.2 Activity
- 1.3 Definitions
- 1.4 Conditions
- 1.5 Delegate
You can manage the Approval Path definition list in the Jira project.
To open the Approval Path click the Approval Path button in the left menu.
You can view, add and remove approval definitions.
Changing approval definition will not affect started approval paths.
In the “Approvals” tab you can see a list of approvals in the project.
The approvals can be filtered by:
Approval name
Status (In progress, Approved, Rejected, Archived, Expired, Not archived, Any)
Add more filters +
JQL search
By using Add more filters, you can customize your search filter.
It can be further specified if a user is looking for awaiting decision, rejection or approval by user/group/email/issue field and selected user.
By default, the approvals shown are “not archived”.
From Approvals List, user can see:
Approval Name
The Originator of the approval
Current Step’s owner: who is supposed to take action now
The Issue of origin
Approval Status and step
Expiration date (if set)
Start time and date
Modified time and date
Quick Action Buttons:
Send a notification
Open the approval in an issue
Archive the approval
Delete the approval
In the “Activity” tab you can see a list of all actions in the project.
In the “Definitions” tab there is a list of definitions available in the project. You can also add new definitions and edit existing ones. By clicking the checkbox “Show global definitions”, you can also view global definitions.
In the “Conditions” tab there is a list of conditions available in the project. You can also add new condition and edit existing ones.
You can filter by name. By default all active conditions from current project and global (in view only mode) are shown.
The "Delegate" tab displays a roster of available delegations within the project. Only active delegations (enabled and in the date range) are shown by default. You can also add new delegations and edit existing ones.
You can Filter it by: