CSV Contracts - Import and export

CSV Contracts - Import and export

Batch import

Batch import enables users to create and send multiple contracts with ease, while saving time.
In order to use this feature, user is required to create a CSV file in a specific format as described below.

Follow these steps:

  1. Create a CSV file with the required fields and headers for the batch import feature.
    Refer to https://warsaw-dynamics.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/~195523612/pages/81395715/CSV+Contracts+-+Import+and+export#CSV-headers

  2. Once the CSV file is created, open the contract creation form and click on the “Import from CSV” button.

  3. Upload the CSV file and review the data to ensure that all the required fields are included and the headers are consistent across all rows.

  4. Click "Create" to create and SEND the contracts based on the data in the CSV file.

  5. The system will automatically create the contracts and send notifications to the signers and watchers as specified in the CSV file.

CSV format



Required Information





Required Information




title of the contract







email, account, url


expiration date





time zone





prepend title



true, false


sign in order



true, false


Signer A append signature macro



true, false

If document already has prepared fields to sign: false; if document not prepared: true

Signer A full name

John Doe




Signer A email


required if access = email, else optional



Signer A receives completed contract



true, false


Signer B append signature macro



true, false

If document already has prepared fields to sign: false; if document not prepared: true

Signer B full name

Mary Lynn



The same as in signer example before: to add signer, create these 3 signer fields changing its character to the next in the alphabet

Signer B email


required if access = email, else optional


The same as in signer example before

Signer B receives completed contract



true, false

The same as in signer example before

Watcher A full name

Olga Bishop



If you want to add a watcher to your contract, include these 3 watcher fields with CSV; if the next watcher is needed, copy these 3 fields, add them to the next rows, and change the uppercase letter to the next in the alphabet

Watcher A email





Watcher A notification kinds



created, opened, signed, rejected, completed, completed-contract

add fields separated by “|” to enable desired notification kind

To include multiple contracts in CSV the contract that you want to create need to match initial declared fields(the first row which tells you which data it needs if the field is optional you can leave it empty)

You cannot have contracts that consist of different header as all rows are required to be filled.

Example csv with one contract

name, access, expiration date, time zone, prepend title, sign in order, Signer A append signature macro, Signer A full name, Signer A email, Signer A receives completed contract, Signer B append signature macro, Signer B full name, Signer B email, Signer B receives completed contract, Watcher A full name, Watcher A email, Watcher A notification kinds title of the contract, email, 2023-04-29T04:00, Europe/Warsaw, true, false, true, John Doe, johndoe@gmail.com, true, true, Mary Lynn, marylynn@gmail.com, true, watcher1, watcher1@gmail.com, completed|completed-contract

Example csv with two contracts

name, access, expiration date, time zone, prepend title, sign in order, Signer A append signature macro, Signer A full name, Signer A email, Signer A receives completed contract, Signer B append signature macro, Signer B full name, Signer B email, Signer B receives completed contract, Watcher A full name, Watcher A email, Watcher A notification kinds title of the contract, email, 2023-04-29T04:00, Europe/Warsaw, true, false, true, John Doe, johndoe@gmail.com, true, true, Mary Lynn, marylynn@gmail.com, true, watcher1, watcher1@gmail.com, completed|completed-contract title of the second contract,url, 2023-04-29T04:00, Europe/Warsaw, true, false, true, John Doe,, true, true, Mary Lynn, marylynn@gmail.com, true, watcher1, watcher1@gmail.com, completed|completed-contract

CSV export - Easier approach!

Users can also export CSV files, this can help users to get a template for the CSV file, to achieve this, simply follow the steps:

  1. Open the contract creation form

  2. Click on the Create button

  3. Choose the number of signers (for a single contract)

  4. Configure the contract to your needs

  5. Click on the down arrow next to “Preview HTML“

  6. Click on the “Export to CSV“ button

  7. Choose a file name

  8. Open the downloaded file

    name, access, expiration date, time zone, prepend title, sign in order, Signer A append signature macro, Signer A full name, Signer A email, Signer A receives completed contract, Watcher A full name, Watcher A email, Watcher A notification kinds, Watcher B full name, Watcher B email, Watcher B notification kinds QA TTT, email, 2023-04-29T04:00, Europe/Warsaw, true, false, true, Parsa Shiva, parsashiva@mail.com, true, Olga Bishop, Obishop@mail.com, signed|completed-contract, Mencia Benz, Mbenz@mail.com, signed|completed-contract
  9. You can then add additional rows to include more contracts

  10. Upload the CSV file and review the data to ensure that all the required fields are included and the headers are consistent across all rows.

  11. Click "Create" to create and SEND the contracts based on the data in the CSV file.

  12. The system will automatically create the contracts and send notifications to the signers and watchers as specified in the CSV file.

That is all, you have successfully created contract via CSV.