Hidden_Global Settings

Hidden_Global Settings

External Share for Confluence Global Settings can be found under "Settings" → "External Share"


Server & Data Center

There's also a link in all Space Setting pages (this link is only visible to Confluence administrators)

The Global Settings menu "View Links" section allows filtering and searching on all link in all Spaces

The Global Settings menu "Space Configuration" section allows you to define what data will be accessible on external page in all Spaces.

You can update configuration for your existing spaces or edit default configuration (used for all spaces which are not assiociated to existing configuration).

You can toggle comments, attachments, child pages and labels.

You can control if usupported macros will be visible on shared page or if relevant placeholder information will be displayed at their position in content.

You can enforce security policy for new and updated shares, you can define if expiration and password is required.

The Global Settings menu contains the "Permissions" section to restrict users that can create, edit and delete External Share links.

By default, any logged-in user is able to create, edit and delete External Share links in any Space they have permission to access.

You can also mark all direct back Confluence link to be automatically removed from page content.

Permission access examples, if you restrict access to

  1. group empty then all users will have access to External Share
  2. group X then all users from group X will have access to External Share
  3. group X and group Y then all users from group X or group Y will have access to External Share

The "Link Settings" options allow links to have forced expiration dates and passwords, as well as a maximum link expiration time

For example, all links require an expiration date to be set, and that date must be less than a month from now

This is a very useful security feature to make sure links can't be accidentally left "Active" forever!

All External Share links can be deleted in bulk from the Global Settings menu

Add custom CSS and HTML to all External Share pages

Page customization examples (Custom HTML and CSS)