ESFJ - June 2024
- 1 Summary
- 1.1 New Features
- 1.1.1 Custom board share NEW
- 1.2 Improvements
- 1.3 Bug Fixes
- 1.1 New Features
In the current release notes, a new feature - sharing a custom board, was developed. The current features were improved in terms of customization and readability, including header links customization, additional JQL filters, and visualized Time in Status field. Additionally, several bugs were fixed, including custom board share errors for empty columns, fixed column, and filter widths to avoid overlapping, element displacement on the history/work log/comment tab fix, and an autosave issue fix.
New Features
Custom board share NEW
The new feature allows creating Custom Board shares by selecting the Custom Board option from the board select dropdown. The JQL filter input field (with pre-generated JQL) and a new tab called “Custom board” appear. The Custom Board is pre-defined with default settings that can be changed by adding new columns and moving statuses between them.
Improved styling custom links feature IMPROVED
On the page customization tab, you can now style header custom links while dragging and editing.
Improved styling of the “No results“ text IMPROVED
The text informing that there were no results found on the shared item was improved to enhance readability.
Improved JQL filters IMPROVED
For shared filters, the app identifies if a column contains dates or date-time values. If it does, it provides a filtering option for selecting a date range or date-time range.
Moreover, it is now possible to filter by project, fix versions, or by component (for company-managed projects).
Improved Time in Status field style IMPROVED
Before the update, the “Time in Status” custom field contained only raw text on the shared filter. Now, it was upgraded to a visual representation, to increase clarity and readability.
Bug Fixes
Fixed custom board share FIXED
When a new custom board share is created, it comes with a default configuration - three columns: “To do”, “In progress”, and “Done” with issue statuses automatically assigned to one of them based on the status category. When there was not a single status in a given category (i.e., not a single "Done" status), the code encountered an exception. After fixing, the share works properly.
Fixed column name length on a shared board FIXED
For shared boards, when a column name was too long, it overlapped the column border. To fix the problem, columns now have fixed widths like in the Jira, so the column name does not overlap the border.
Fixed element displacement on hover FIXED
When an element on a history tab, work log, or comment was hovered with a cursor, the element was displaced. After the fix, nothing is being moved.
Fixed filter width on external share links FIXED
Filters on external shared links were overlapping with each other
To solve the problem, all buttons with a dropdown list have the same fixed width as in the Jira.
Fixed autosave on the External Share Lite FIXED
While using the External Share Lite version, if the share configurations were changed during the share configuration process, it caused an infinite loading and an error message. After solving this, users are now able to create shares and the autosave does not disrupt this process.
Fixed issue layouts deletion FIXED
After every application update, custom issue layouts for external shares were restored to default values. Settings are now being maintained.