Timeline Share
External Share for Jira's new feature "Timeline Share" allows Jira users to share their Jira Timelines with external stakeholders like clients or partners. This feature streamlines collaboration and enhances transparency between Jira users and external stakeholders.
Note that this share type is available on project level and operates differently from what you may expect. Rather than displaying a copy of your existing timeline, it creates a new one from scratch using JQL. However, don't worry about setting it up as a default JQL definition is pre-set during creation that mimics Jira's default timelineconfiguration. But you can customize your timeline as per your requirements.
How does it work?
Timeline Share is more than just a simple share feature.
It allows users to choose which issues to designate as epics in the timeline. This means that you can create a timeline consisting of issue types like "Bugs" as epics and display their subtasks on the timeline as well. This feature empowers users to be creative and display different types of tasks on the timeline as per their requirements.
How to create a share?
Creating a share is easy! Follow these simple steps:
Go to the project settings from the sidebar menu
Click on the External Share for Jira button
Click on the "Create External Share Timeline" button located on the top-right corner of the page
Customize your timeline by adjusting the JQL if needed
Set the general configurations you want
Save your settings
After creating the share, you can:
Subscribe to issues displayed on the timeline
Filter the view by assigned user, status, or designated epic
View the timeline by weeks, months, or quarters
Center the view to "Today" with just one click