External User step

External User step

You can specify external users, outside your organization (without access to Confluence) to participate in the approval process.

We will send an email with an invitation to an external user in case of first interaction. The user will have to setup an account. Once an account is setup and email adders is confirmed, the user can log in to the dashboard and see a list of awaiting approvals. An external user can setup an account beforehand by visiting https://app.approval-path.com/register.html .

Page with approval decision section will be displayed along with simplified page content. It may not look the same as your Confluence user sees it. In case an external user has to have access to the rich content page, we recommend sharing a page with External Share for Confluence. Created External Share links can be added to page content.

Action types

Approval / Consent action

Single user decision step. When the step is activated, then the external user will receive an email notification with a ‘call for action’. A message will come from the no-reply@mail.approval-path.com email address. The email will contain a link to the page with a simplified Confluence page description and action buttons. The decision cannot be changed. An external user cannot reset approval.

Notification action

The user will be notified about current progress. He might be interested in knowing progress or result, but this person has no involvement in decision making.