Password Page
Page customization - Password page
These settings allow for customization of the appearance of the password page and main frame on shared page.
Show background image display the background image for a password page.
Background image of the body on the password page in light and dark mode.
Font family sets font style of a password page.
Generic font family sets generic font style of a password page.
Main frame styles
Width sets width for the main frame.
Height sets height for the main frame.
Margin sets margin for the main frame.
Padding sets padding for the main frame.
Button background color sets a background color for the burton on the main frame.
Icon color selects a color for the svg icon on the main frame.
Button color sets a text color for the button on the main frame.
Box shadow sets the box shadow for the main frame.
Box shadow color sets the color of box shadow for the main frame.
Main frame border sets styles for main frame border.