Custom domain

Custom domain

By default, External Share for Jira shares are available at the main domain jira.external-share.com

To make your shares available at a non-External Share for Jira domain (for example, https://requests.my-company.come), you need to configure a custom domain.

Configuring a domain does not involve any additional fees.

Required steps

  1. Confirm you are the owner of the custom domain name. You can purchase a custom domain name using a domain registration service.

  2. Configure your DNS provider to point to the External Share for the Jira-supplied DNS target.

  3. Set your custom domain on the Global Settings page.

  4. Confirm that your shares are accessible via the custom domain. There may be a delay in propagating DNS changes.

Configure DNS for subdomain

First, you need to point your DNS provider to the External Share for Jira domain DNS target jira.external-share.com.

You usually configure a new CNAME record with your DNS provider to point it at External Share for Jira.

The trailing . on the target domain may or may not be required, depending on your DNS provider.

Consult your DNS provider’s documentation for specific instructions on creating CNAME records.

Set custom domain

Then set your custom domain in the External Share application on the Global Setting page in the “Custom domain” tab


The domain must :

  • contain more than 5 letters and/or numbers,

  • contain at least 2 dots,

  • must start and end with a letter, e.g. customdomain.example.com ,

Any External Share links created by users on your Jira instance will now use your custom domain.