User global view
Any user other than the global admin with access to the approval path will have below features available:
A user with admin permissions will have broader access to Approval Path’s features. You can find more information on it here.
To access Personal View on your Jira instance, go to Apps → Approval Path:
Awaiting Approvals
In this tab, the user can see all approvals to which he is assigned and require his action. This panel is used to keep track of all pending steps and gives context to the approvals. Here you can find:
The Approval Name
Originator: the person who started this approval
Current Step of the approval
Project of origin
Issue in which the approval was started
Approval status and its' current step
Expiration of the approval (if set)
Start date
Last modified
Open: opens the approval in the ticket of origin
Here, a user can see and create their delegations.
The Delegation feature allows internal approvers to delegate their approval steps to another user during their absence or other circumstances. This functionality ensures the continuity of the approval process by allowing another user, the delegatee, to act on the delegator's behalf.
A normal user can delegate only their steps to other users, but cannot make delegations for others. To learn more about Delegations, visit this page.
Preferences feature allows users customize their own preferences for how they want the Approval Path to be displayed on the issue level.