Workflow X Approval Path

This documentation outlines two features available in Approval Path for Jira that enhance control and automation capabilities in the approval process. The first feature is a Jira workflow condition that prevents issues from transitioning to the next status until they have been approved.

The second feature is a Jira workflow post-function that can Start an approval, delete or archive all approvals from the issue after a particular workflow transition occurs.

Approval condition

This feature prevents issues from transitioning to the next status if they have not been approved. This ensures that issues are properly reviewed and approved before they can be worked on or closed.

To configure this condition, you need to add the Approval Path condition to the workflow transition that you want to restrict. Here's how to do it:

  • Open the Jira Workflow that you want to edit

  • Click on the transition you want to add the condition to

  • Go to the "Conditions" tab

  • Click "Add Condition"

  • Select "Approval Path" from the list of conditions

  • Select the appropriate approval path definition.

  • Publish draft

After configuring the condition, any issue that has not been approved with that definition will be prevented from transitioning to the next status in the workflow.

Approval Post-Function

The Jira workflow post-function can be used by Approval Path to trigger the following, after a particular status transition occurs.

  • Start an approval (definition must be selected)

  • Reject all approvals

  • Archive all approvals

Please note, only global definitions can be used for the “Start approval“ post-function.

To use this feature, you need to add the post-function to the transition that you want to automate actions for. Here's how to do it:

  • Open the workflow transition that you want to add the Approval Path post-function to.

  • Go to the "Post Functions" tab.

  • Click "Add Post Function" and select "Approval Path" from the list of post-functions.

  • Configure the post-function by selecting the appropriate action (Start, reject all, archive all).

    • If you select the "Start approval" action, select the approval definition from the list.

  • Save the post-function.

Once configured, the post-function will execute the configured actions after the transition, either by starting an approval, rejecting or archiving all issue approvals. This can help streamline your workflow and reduce manual tasks by automating actions.

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