Success Step and Rejection Step

What is Success Step & Rejection Step?

Users can set up success and rejection steps, which are triggered after the approval process is completed.
The mechanism for both steps is the same, with the difference being when they are executed.

Available action types - Webhook, Automation

Should outcome steps be set?

Success steps and rejection steps are optional and do not need to be set.
However, setting them up enables automation for actions when an approval is either approved or rejected.

How to set up?

  • Navigate to Global Settings of Approval Path (requires Global Admin permissions)
    Navigate to Project Settings of Approval Path (requires Project Admin permissions)

  • Select the "Definitions" tab

  • Either create a new approval definition or edit an existing one

  • Ensure an approval step is set before adding any outcome steps

  • Click the “Add success step” or “Add rejection step” button to configure the respective steps

Success 1.png

How to set success or rejection step by Automation?

  1. After selecting “Add success step” or “Add rejection step”, click ‘Automation

  1. Action (using Change issue status as an example) - Select Change issue status and enter the desired status name in the provided field. You can also find Automation setup details in our Automation documentation.

How to set success or rejection step by Webhook?

  1. After selecting “Add success step” or “Add rejection step”, click ‘Webhook

  1. A webhook step can be configured to respond to any custom callbacks. (including Jira Automation rules)

  2. If you wish to add an automation rule, that will change the status of an issue to “done” when an approval path is finished, here is a step-by-step guide Jira Automation

If you have successfully set up the success and rejection steps, the following view will appear in your approval definition. You can define these steps as needed and use webhooks, automation, or both.


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