Rejection step

What is rejection step?

A mechanism (essentially a webhook step) triggered upon rejection that can be integrated with Jira automation rules to automate actions in response to an approval rejection, such as automatically updating the issue status.
Users may set rejection step while creating approval definitions.

Should rejection steps be set?

Rejection step is an optional step and not required to be set, it will however enable automation for when an approval is rejected.

How to set rejection step?

Depending on your need and Jira access, you can navigate to Global or Project settings of Approval Path

  1. Navigate to,
    Global setting of Approval Path (apps dropdown menu) - requires Global admin permissions
    Project settings of Approval Path (side-bar menu) - requires project admin permissions

  2. Select the “Definitions” tab

  3. Either create a new approval definition or edit an existing one

  4. Ensure an approval step is set before adding a rejection step

  5. Click on the “Add rejection step” button

  6. The screen that follows will show

  7. This webhook step can now be configured to respond to any custom call backs (including Jira automation rules)

  8. If you wish to enable automation, here is a step by step guide