Create Global approval definition

  1. Open Jira project or any Jira issue,

  2. Click the Apps drop-down at the top of the screen

  3. Select Approval Path

  4. Go to the Definitions tab,

  5. Click the Add definition button.


A new Approval Path form opens. You can add a step or a parallel group. You can also add approval conditions and select a project in which the approval will be accessible. If this field is left empty, the approval will be global.

The JSM settings allow the customers to:

  • See this approval when it’s ongoing. It can be used to showcase the progress of a ticket.

  • Start the Approval. This can be used when a case requires input from the client.


The Approval Path Name is required. It is important because later you can start an Approval Path from a list of created definitions.

Click the Add step button and choose the step type you require.

More detailed information about step types.

To create a parallel group click Add parallel group button. Drop step/steps in the marked area.

The definition can be constructed with infinite amounts, types of steps and parallel groups. There should be a minimum of one approval step to make it available for saving.