Issue Fields - Description

Issue Fields - Description

One way to dynamically assign users, groups or emails to definition steps is through the description field.


For the description step to work, a table with the “Approval Path” header should be created in the content of the description field. Any users/groups/emails inside the table are then assigned to an approval step. Here is a template:

Approval Path

Approval Path





The names must be exact and each row must contain only one name/group/email.

Each row will generate a new step. The order of steps in the table does not make any difference, the order of steps in the definition is important. The user field will extract the data from the table containing users, the group step will look for groups and the email step will create steps based on emails. For example, a definition containing user → email → group steps:


With a table containing these rows:

Will generate this approval:

The first step in the definition was the user description step. The Approval Path read the whole table first, found the users and put them first in the approval, even though they were not next to each other in the table.

Once steps are added from the table values ​​from the description, a suffix (Description) is added to name each of them.

The description feature also does not create duplicate steps with the same user/email/group. Confluence-users-marketing is inputted twice into the table in the images, but once in the approval.